[CSGO] csgo_hud

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Mesaje: 383
Membru din: Septembrie 13, 2020, 1:50 pm
Localitate: Rosiori de Vede
Vârsta: 30
Status: Neconectat
Kent’s avatar

[CSGO] csgo_hud

Nume: csgo_hud
Versiune: 3.0
Autor: www.mortall.ro
Running: (Care este versiunea de SORCEMOD) 1.11

Descriere: Acesta este un plugin simplu care arată pe ecran câteva lucruri despre serverul tău. (Anunțuri personalizate, jucători online, timp, unele mesaje precum linkul Discord și DNS de server, timpul rămas etc.)

Download plugin:
* Instalare:
1. Fisierul csgo_hud.smx il puneti in addons/sourcemod/plugins
2. Fisierul csgo_hud.sp il puneti in addons/sourcemod/scripting

* Cvar-uri (se adauga in fisierul cfg\sourcemod\csgo_hud.cfg):
// This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.10.0.6478)
// ConVars for plugin "tools/csgo_hud.smx"

// Defines all Ads, separated by semicolons.
// -
// Default: "First;Second;Third;Fourth"
// Defines all Ads, separated by semicolons.
// -
// Default: "First;Second;Third;Fourth"
sm_hud_Ads "comenzi dinsponivile:!ws !gloves !knife !agents !mvp;Cautam Admini;Connect CSGO.Mortall.RO:27016;FORUM: https://www.mortall.ro"

// Duration of the selected effect. Not always aplicable
// -
// Default: "0.5"
sm_hud_effect_duration "0.5"

// 0 - Fade In; 1 - Fade out; 2 - Flash
// -
// Default: "1.0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "2.000000"
sm_hud_effect_type "0.0"

// Duration of the selected effect.
// -
// Default: "0.5"
sm_hud_fadein_duration "0.5"

// Duration of the selected effect.
// -
// Default: "0.5"
sm_hud_fadeout_duration "0.5"

// Top-Left first message
// -
// Default: "MESSAGE 1"
sm_hud_message1 "CSGO.Mortall.RO:27016"

// RGB of the text. You can get more colors from https://www.hexcolortool.com/
// -
// Default: "0,102,204"
sm_hud_rgb "0,102,204"

// 1 = Top Left on screen (where the radar is) and 2 = Bottom Mid on screen
// -
// Default: "1"
sm_hud_style "2"

// Amount of time in seconds between Ads.
// -
// Default: "2.0"
sm_hud_timebetweenAds "2.0"

// Amount of time in seconds Ads are held.
// -
// Default: "2.0"
sm_hud_timeheld "8.0"

Cvar: sm_hud (Oprire/pornire HUD-ul)

*Restart Server
:arrow: [RGK]*Kent - mortall.ro :)

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